Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC)

JRC performs research in the field of global security and crisis management and is supporting organisations like the European Commission Humanitarian Office and many UN offices to provide disaster modelling tools, early warning and alerts on humanitarian disasters, as well as satellite and media information analysis, sense making and management systems for international crisis management.

UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

The VirtualOSOCC is a web-based tool to facilitate information exchange and coordination of bilateral assistance in the early disaster phase. The site is restricted to disaster managers worldwide. Account requests and login at the left on this page. The service is managed by the Emergency Relief Coordination Centre (ERCC) in OCHA Geneva.


UNITAR-UNOSAT provides on-demand maps and satellite images and coordinates the map production and dissemination among map producers worldwide in the early disaster phase. Relevant map products are integrated automatically into VirtualOSOCC disaster discussions.

GDACS Partners

Dartmouth Flood Observatory (DFO)

DFO joined GDACS as a partner in 2011. DFO has been providing, based on media monitoring, a frequently updated list of major floods around the world, which is the basis for GDACS flood alerts. Meanwhile, DFO and JRC are collaborating to develop a global flood monitoring system using satellite remote sensing, which should replace the media monitoring method and provide more consistent and reliable global flood alerts.

SAR Weather

In 2011, SAR Weather joined GDACS to provide on-demand detailed weather forecasts for disaster areas.

GDACS information providers

Organisations providing information to GDACS without guaranteeing the service are information providers.

GDACS relies in part on public information that is processed automatically or analysed by emergency responders.

These organisations are not official GDACS partners, but are credited where their information is used.

Financial support

GDACS is a collaboration platform and is not financed as a legal entity. Instead, participating partners are individually funded based on bilateral agreements with various entities, with the endorsement of the GDACS Steering Committee.

The Directorate General Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection (ECHO) of the European Commission has financed GDACS since its conception in 2004.

Entities interested in providing contributions to GDACS can contact the GDACS Secretariat.